Our staff are all seasoned tax practitioners in the sphere of tax and accounting and frequently attend seminars and courses all year round to ensure they are up to date with the latest Tax legislation and International Accounting standards.
Especially since the introduction of the New Companies Act 71 of 2008 which requires that Annual Financial Statements be drafted in accordance with IFRS for SMES.
We are more than happy to assist you and your business by processing your accounting/book keeping on a monthly or yearly basis
If the thought of doing your own taxes gives you nightmares, let us take care of all your small business’ tax and accounting matters.
Whether a sole proprietor or a partnership, we offer you top quality tax and accounting advice and expertise to perfectly suit the type of business you are.
We offer assistance with the completion and submission of all income tax returns (individual, Corporate and Trusts) both annual and provisional. We also offer assistance with monthly PAYE/UIF returns, biannual IRP5 reconciliations, earnings submissions and VAT returns and reconciliations.
We assist with tax and accounting matters and legislation relating to the CIPC and the registration of your company.
Our extensive bookkeeping department is headed by the very competent Marina Wareham and her assistants, who cater for all your bookkeeping requirements (monthly/annually), including UFILING monthly submission and Workmen’s Compensation annual submissions.